Warning! "Green pips World" Investment Scam
Telegram - This Channel [ "Green pips World" ]
This channel will change link and username admin All-Time
last username
https://t. me/fxtradingcentre12 / Fx Trading World @fxtradingcentre12
Now https://t. me/greenpipsworld1 / @greenpipsworld1
last admin username https://t. me/tradingworld1 / @tradingworld1
Admin Update @pipsworld
https://t. me/pipsworld
Telegram - This Channel [ "Green pips World" ]
This channel will change link and username admin All-Time
last username
https://t. me/fxtradingcentre12 / Fx Trading World @fxtradingcentre12
Now https://t. me/greenpipsworld1 / @greenpipsworld1
last admin username https://t. me/tradingworld1 / @tradingworld1
Admin Update @pipsworld
https://t. me/pipsworld